About me
I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University, where I am a member of the SMART research group led by Prof. Noa Agmon.
My doctoral research, titled "Coalition Formation in Sequential Decision-Making under Uncertainty", focuses on real-life scenarios of coalition formation that continuously evolve over time. In particular, my research concentrates on the theoretical analysis of online coalition formation in its most general form under online and uncertain settings, where agents arrive one at a time. Such dynamic and uncertain environments require the design of online algorithms that must decide to which coalition an arriving agent should be assigned, if at all, while maintaining a good solution over time (both theoretically and empirically). Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, my research requires designing tools based on machine learning, reinforcement learning, graph theory, (algorithmic) game theory, etc.
Previously, I completed my B.Sc. in Mathematics with specialization in Computer Science at Tel-Aviv university. Recently, I finished my M.Sc. degree in Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University, advised by Prof. Noa Agmon. My M.Sc. thesis focused on the novel consensus-prevention problem, which concentrated on influencing the direction of movement of flocking agents via the insertion of diverting agents into the swarm, so as to manipulate the flocking agents’ behavior and bring them to a disagreement.